Friday, 15 December 2006

On a set of steps, inside an unfinished building, a rugged young man leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. A vibrant sunbeam flooded through the open roof, giving him an angelic appearance. So deep his thoughts, they appeared to draw him into a world forbidden to all but him. A flicker, a promise of a smile, softened one corner of his lips and sparkle lit his eyes. Then as sudden as they happened, they disappeared. He leaned back, breaking the moment, lifted his cap and ran his fingers through his thick curly hair. The moment fled. The spell broke. He reached for a hammer as if his secret retreat never took place.


batgirl said...

Hi Eunice. I love people watching- at the mall, the beach, the grocery store. People, especially men, are fascinating. Men, I suppose, because it is so hard to imagine what goes on in their heads. Loved this post. Looking forward to the new year and getting back to business:)

Elsie Montgomery said...

I love this. I'm reading Elizabeth George who is a master of the moment, a gesture, and makes readers feel intimacy with her characters... and I use that word uneasily, for these are real people, because of those little details. You are in good company!

elsie (www.livingmyfaith.blogspot.com0

Bonnie Way aka the Koala Mom said...

I really like this piece. You make me want to know the rest of the story - who is he? What's he building? :) You really capture the moment. Great work.

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when


take your eyes off your goal.