Monday 13 March 2006

The Old Lady

The summer sun slipped behind the tall brown fence, taking away its warmth. The old lady looked off into the distance, wondering as she did every day at this time. Would the sun rise for her again tomorrow? If it did, what would it bring? More waiting? Waiting for someone to get her out of bed. Waiting to have done what she always did for herself. Waiting to eat. And begging. Begging drove her crazy. How had life come to this? Begging for a tissue to wipe her nose. Begging for a bit more sugar in her coffee. And begging to go outside, to one of her children’s homes. To hear the little ones scream with laughter, to watch the teenagers, shyly put their arms around each other.
She remembered her own first love and warmth flowed through her ancient, veins. Had it been that long? It seemed like yesterday. Her wedding, then the children coming, and growing up, the grandchildren, then the great grandchildren. They floated across her lifetime bringing her back to her wheelchair, a cup of coffee, a bowl of cookies and a dish of fresh, ripe raspberries. Treats she’d never get in the nursing home.
Soon she’d have them eaten, and it would be time to return to the begging and waiting. But she felt better now. The outing to her daughter’s home had rekindled her dreams. Maybe tomorrow, the sun wouldn't rise for her and she’d wake up in that promised land far beyond the clouds.


batgirl said...

Beautifully written Eunice and so sad. Thank God for the hope of Heaven- life is hard.

Unknown said...

Amen to what Janet said.

Heather Smith said...

I had a Great-Grandma who had a stroke. Until she was 83 she worked a 2nd shift full-time job. She drove, she went to church every service, she even "dated". She missed her independence so much when the stroke rendered her pretty much helpless. So sad, but like you said, there is the hope of heaven, and I know I'll see my grandma there one day!

Anonymous said...

hi, eunice. i've read your column in CWO and it touched my heart deeply. not that i've experienced the same thing but the stress everybody involved went through was real and somehow i've felt it too. i admire how you handled the situation and the anger that went along with it. you're truly a woman of God. =)

Darlene Schacht said...

Eunice, I agree with Pia--your story in Christian Women Online this month touched me deeply too. I had to click through to tell you once more just how much I loved it. Tears were pouring down my face when I read it the first time because it was just that good!

Anonymous said...

I just read this and the post about your cat. It is a beautiful thing, to love and also to lose.

I happen to know of a kitten who could use a really good home if you are interested. It will not replace yours, but sometimes having a pet to love again can help us heal our heart.

Contact Yvonne at the Review 542-7574 ext. 26

Anonymous said...

happy easter, eunice. God bless!

Anonymous said...

Got your message, Eunice. The kitten is actually staying in Cynthia but I'm getting my husband to check that they still have it and then I will get back to you with the info. It is an orange male tabby, only a couple of months old. (Was checking voicemail at work this morning but figure it's too early to call yet!).

Yvonne @ the Review


Obstacles are those frightful things you see when


take your eyes off your goal.